The story of Pub2Pub Adventures stretches back to the winter of 2013. I'd just returned from my last big trip - V8Nam, a V8-powered drive from the UK to Vietnam. Via Russia, Kazakhstan, Laos and Cambodia, in a Chevrolet Corvette.
While sitting on a barstool in my Dartmoor local, mulling over ideas for the next adventure, it came to me. Pub2Pub. Why not put together a road trip from the northernmost bar on the planet, to the southernmost? Ideas of such genius are so rare, that to not act on it would be, frankly, offensive. So for several years, making the dream happen became a part-time job. Routes were planned, red tape researched, shipping arranged and countries understood. And of course, the car was prepared - a completely standard TVR Chimaera, which I'd owned for some years before its central role in the Pub2Pub Expedition thrust it into the limelight.
I hit the road on the Pub2Pub in July 2017, and 27,000 miles later in April 2018, crossed the finishline having made the dream a reality. And as I did, I was very aware that the drive had caught peoples' imaginations, being a very British, Monty Python-esque undertaking, which took something familiar from people's everyday lives - going to the pub - and running with it in a gloriously daft fashion.
And then came the publicity. On my return to the UK, articles describing the trip were very much in demand, and writing became my full-time cause. The story of Pub2Pub has now appeared in over 100 places, from the BBC to the Hindustan Times; from Octane Magazine to The Daily Mail. To give you an idea of this coverage, click here a piece which Top Gear ran on the journey.
With this publicity, Pub2Pub gained a public profile beyond any of the previous trips I'd made. The BBC article alone was read 1.5 million times in the first eight hours online, and with the coverage continuing even now, the expedition has so far reached an estimated audience of over ten million people. Why? Because the whole Pub2Pub ethos connects with people.
And it was while considering what to do with the whole 'Pub2Pub' concept post trip, that I had a thought. The expedition had been an incredible experience, but why should I have all the fun? Shouldn't everyone have the opportunity to enjoy their own Pub-based adventures? Of course they should, and that's where the idea for Pub2Pub Adventures came from - a desire to make a slice of the Pub2Pub Expedition's irreverent magic available to everyone.
Pub2Pub Adventures was launched as a limited company in August 2018, and ran its first event - the 2018 Eagle Rally - the following October, with a convoy of 14 sports cars making the journey from the UK to the Eagle's Nest - a bar on the summit of a 6,000ft mountain in deepest Bavaria.
For the future, we're planning to expand our range of pub-based adventures, while also offering merchandise which helps make your trips to the pub more enjoyable; effectively, our goal is to make this website a one-stop-shop for your adding awesome into your road trips. So stay tuned and follow us on social media for the latest developments, as that dream which I had on a barstool five years ago, that dream which was Pub2Pub, enters its next phase - a phase I'd love you to be part of...
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Pub2Pub Instagram link here